Friday, December 27, 2019

All Systems Go and ready for lift off

Hello dear friends and family near and far. 
We're into the last couple of weeks before we depart for the MTC in Provo for one week prior to our departure to Guatemala.  We have been advised for months to get a blog set up and so, true to our nature, we have procrastinated until now.
This blog is still a dangerous construction site so please bear with us and welcome aboard. We hope to enjoy your companionship on this fantastic journey as we look forward to meeting many amazing people and seeing marvelous sites and hopefully many spiritual experiences. To almost everyone I suspect reading this, thank you so very much for the love and support and encouragement you have given to us.  We doubt we would be taking these steps if it were not for you. One interesting word of advice came from a doctor already in Guatemala:  "Bring your courage"

The two photos are of Lake Atitlan. You can see three volcanoes surrounding the lake.  Guatemala (size of Tenn.) has 37 volcanoes, three of which are active.

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